Relaxing Lavender™


A flavoursome raw acacia honey maceration with a mild lavender flavour that relaxes the mind and body and aids sleep.

SKU: ABH-RL01-221 Category: Tags: , , , ,


A flavoursome raw acacia honey maceration with a mild lavender flavour that relaxes the mind and body and aids sleep. Take a spoonful of this elixir to unwind.

Additional information

Weight221 g

Tasting Notes

Relaxing floral maceration in manuka-like Acacia honey.


  • Aching muscles from exertion in sport or gardening, etc.
  • Cures indigestion; intestinal issues; liver and kidney disorders.
  • Helps treat asthma.
  • Calming nervous complaints and anxiety.
  • Stomach and intestinal complaints of a nervous origin.
  • Calms high blood pressure and stress headaches caused by tension.
  • Calms the central nervous system.
  • Excellent against bacteria as it releases Hydrogen Peroxide very slowly. Hydrogen Peroxide is an excellent, natural antiseptic and disinfectant.
  • As an expectorant and to relieve sore throats and sinus infections.
  • Low Glycaemic Index (GI) of 35, so it can be consumed in small amounts by diabetics. Some apitherapists recommend a small amount of this honey for sufferers of type 2 diabetes.
  • Helps combat heart disease and even some forms of cancer.
  • A good immune system booster.
  • Tunes into positive thinking, also effect for mood swings and depression.
  • Stimulates and increases bile production and has a choleretic effect.
  • Can be used for wind cramps, loss of appetite and intestinal infection.
  • Effective antispasmodic for smooth muscle spams.
  • Weak sedative and nerve tonic. Calms the nervous system (best taken before bed).
  • High in iron, so good against anaemia.
  • Excellent effect on bone formation disorders due to its high calcium content.
  • Internally, the acacia honey base is as good as manuka.


  • Can disinfect and soothe enflamed, oily and acne-prone skin.
  • An excellent bath additive for children and adults alike, soothing and moisturising the skin.
  • Use for fungal infections, for example genital infections and white discharge.
  • In a poultice for abrasions, burns, psoriasis and eczema.


For general anxiety and relaxation: 1-2 teaspoons, 1-3 times daily.

As a sleep aid: 1-2 teaspoons taken just before sleep.


Acacia Honey | Lavender | Lemon Balm

Certified Origins

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