Strawberry Honey™


Whether drizzled over warm biscuits, mixed into yoghurt, or enjoyed straight from the jar, Strawberry Honey™ is an ode to the pleasures of sweetness and a reminder of the simple joys found in the gifts of nature. Savour every drop and let the exquisite blend of acacia honey and strawberries transport you to a world of pure, natural delight. A children’s favourite.

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Indulge in the pure, unadulterated sweetness of our Strawberry Honey™, a delightful fusion of acacia honey kissed by the luscious essence of candied strawberries. This extraordinary honey blend is a celebration of the natural world’s most delectable flavours, offering a mouthwatering experience that’s simply irresistible.

At its core is the delicate sweetness of acacia honey, a golden nectar gathered from the blossoms of the Black Locust tree. Its mild and velvety character with a slightly vanilla flavour creates a perfect canvas for the addition of a fruity surprise – the candied strawberries that are the stars of this enchanting blend, imparting their sweet, sun-kissed essence and creating a symphony of delight for your taste buds.

This Strawberry Honey™ is a testament to the beauty of simple, quality ingredients coming together to create a harmonious and unforgettable experience. It’s a treat that can elevate your breakfast spread, adorn your desserts, or be savoured right off the spoon. It is an invitation to pure indulgence, bringing a taste of sunshine and the countryside to your palate.

Additional information

Weight221 g

Taste Profile

A fruity acacia honey with real pieces of strawberry. The benefits of the manuka-like honey with real, candied fruit.


The ingredients provide not just a great taste, but also a range of health benefits, but we are legally prohibited from advertising this. Please contact us for a free, personal consultation.


Use to taste – on toast, ice cream, porridge or yoghurt, or just on its own.


Acacia honey infused with Candied Strawberries

Certified Origin

Egyptian flagHungarian Flag

Macerated and bottled in Shropshire, England.

Clinical References

Clinical evidence of the ingredients found in this product. These are public domain references and do not relate directly to our product.

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  • Xiao D, Sandhu A, Huang Y, Park E, Edirisinghe I, Burton-Freeman BM. The effect of dietary factors on strawberry anthocyanins oral bioavailability. Food Funct. 2017;8(11):3970-3979.
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This information is meant to supplement, not replace advice from your doctor or healthcare provider and is not meant to cover all possible uses, precautions, interactions or adverse effects. This information may not fit your specific health circumstances. Never delay or disregard seeking professional medical advice from your doctor or other qualified health care provider because of something you have read on our website. You should always speak with your doctor or health care professional before you start, stop, or change any prescribed part of your health care plan or treatment and to determine what course of therapy is right for you.


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